This is ElfSpeaker. I'm an omni-gamer and my posts on Blog +1 will reflect that. My primary focus on Blog +1 will be tabletop wargames and pen and paper RPGs. However, that won't stop me from dabbling in video games, board games, card games, etc. I really try to do it all.
Anyway, I want to start off by showing you what I'm proudest of in my personal hobby: miniatures painting. I've been painting miniature for over fifteen years starting with 1:72 WWII soldiers. Now, I primarily painted Warhammer 40,000 models but I've recently picked up a bunch of models from Anima Tactics (more on that in a future post).

I painted these Ultramarine models on commission for one of my regular opponents. I realized after finishing the dreadnought and sending off photos for confirmation that the helmet needed to be repainted white to represent the warriors status as a veteran. The techmarine is a model I have always wanted to paint so I was excited to get the opportunity to do so.

Now, for a bit of shameless self promotion: if you like what you see and want me to do some work for you, you can post a comment here or email me at themithrilbush (at) gmail (dot) com.
I hope to keep up a schedule of posting at least once a week. Next time, I'll talk about the RPGs I'm currently playing and why I like each of them.
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