Random Drop--The Latest News on Blog +1

RANDOM DROP--The Latest News on Blog +1

Blog +1 is currently still setting up. Check back soon for opinions, rants, and discussions on gaming of all stripes, old and new!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Let's Play Civilization 5: Reverse Psychology, Chapter 1!

This is Nihzlet, bringing you the first chapter of what will hopefully be an interesting, if peculiar, Let's Play of Civilization 5. What's a Let's Play, you ask? You're living under a rock, I answer. But if you're somehow not familiar with the concept, it's pretty simple: the author plays through a game and, through either video with narration or screenshots with writing(I will be doing the latter), shows his playthrough to the world. This can be for many purposes--as a game guide or walkthrough, to showcase player skill, for hilarity value, or other things.

As for Civilization 5, if you don't know what that is, then you're living under an even bigger rock, but here's a quick rundown for the uninformed. You are the leader of a great civilization, and you must use your resources to find a way to conquer the world. This can be through diplomacy, culture, science, or just plain military conquest.

For this particular Let's Play, I decided to try something interesting. Most of the different civilizations you can choose to play as in Civ 5 have a particular bias, a path to victory that they're good at. When playing as Germany, it's easiest to win through military might, for example. So what I'm going to do is set my civilization to random and then, whatever I end up playing as, do the exact OPPOSITE of whatever they're good at. Let's see what happens!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Top 5 on 5: Best Pen and Paper RPG Systems

This is Nihzlet, bringing back a monthly article I planned as part of my original blog, Retro Strikes Back. The basic idea is simple--on the 5th of the month, I'll post a personal top 5 list of some kind. This month, since it's the first time I'm posting in a blog that's not just about video games, I'd like to take a moment to talk about my preferences in Pen and Paper RPGs. As a general note, since the roleplaying in any game is really up to the players, not the system, I'll mostly be talking about mechanics and adaptability of the system. Without further ado, let's get started!